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Lectures from the Project

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Click the lecture covers to view and download the presentation slides as a PDF.

Introduction to Antique Photographs and How To Date Them sets out the various mount types of nineteenth-century photographs and includes a lecture on the history of portrait photography. This first lecture in the series includes a history for each mount type and their key features for date estimation including daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, cartes de visite, cabinet cards and cartes postale. Lastly, the lecture introduces Taylorian's step-by-step approach to deconstructing and dating antique photographs.

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Victorian Fashion in Antique Photographs, as the second lecture in the series, builds on the first by delving deep into Victorian fashion styles, tastes and trends as a tool for estimating a date for our antique photographs. This second lecture includes a brief history of how photography developed in the twentieth century followed by a deep-dive into attire of the nineteenth century, including the items commonly and uncommonly held in nineteenth century portraits and the variety of reasons portraits were taken.

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